
Website: ungleich.ch

Worked as Python Hacker, Web Developer and DevOps (A little bit)

Review (Upwork): Amazing guy, highly recommended!

Rating (Upwork): 5.0


uncloud (Open Source Cloud Management Software)

  • Aims to provide an alternative to OpenNebula and OpenStack
  • Open Source
  • Easy to setup, hack and extend
  • Distributed - No single point of failure
  • IPv6 First
  • Payment Module builtin

Technologies used

  • Programming Language: Python 3
  • Web Framework: Flask (for APIs)
  • Key/Value Store: etcd (Distributed Key/Value store used for multiple purpose e.g task queues, metadata storage)
  • Image/VM Storage Platform ceph (Distributed Storage Platform)

Interesting modules that can be used separately

  • uncloud-vmm - A nice little Python wrapper for QEMU much better than the one found in QEMU's own repository. Also, supports migration of VMs.
  • schemas - A very nice and very little JSON validation module. To see it in action, checkout uncloud-pay v1 code.

Check the project at https://ungleich.ch/en-us/cms/blog/2019/06/24/lets-challenge-openstack-and-opennebula/

LDAP integration into dynamicweb (ungleich's CMS)

The purpose of this task is to ensure each user in dynamicweb (a django app) have LDAP entry or equivalent user entry in LDAP along with the one currently in database. See Merge Request at https://code.ungleich.ch/ungleich-public/dynamicweb/merge_requests/722 for more details.

uncloud-pay v1

A generic product/payment service integrated with Stripe that allows to create products from JSON files. End user can buy products or subscribe to some subscription using simple cli. To see code visit https://code.ungleich.ch/ahmedbilal/meow-pay/tree/e4f2f446f5db7c92de373f3b717963d809f1b11f/meow-payv1.


A service that manages wireguard configuration i.e create/delete VPN entry in wireguard configuration.

  • Web Framework: Flask

Check the project at https://code.ungleich.ch/ahmedbilal/ungleich-vpn

vm-cli-services [internal]

A simple API that is used to perform simple actions e.g start, stop, suspend etc as well as snapshot management for OpenNebula VMs by utilizing OpenNebula XML RPC.

Open Source Contributions


Note: The following are all production level setup i.e Creating cdist type, HTTPs (using Let's Encrypt), Firewall (although I didn't do it myself), Regular Backups etc.